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Caraway aids the digestion. Caraway was known in England from the 14th Century. It was popular in seed cake and breads as well as with cabbage and bean dishes. Caraway oil is used in liqueurs, perfume and mouthwashes.

Caraway Seeds should have a uniform shape and consistent creamy brown colour with no stem or chaff content. Carvone is the principal flavour – giving volatile oil.
Stir fry with cabbage and bacon and a knob of butter. Toss into carrots and other root vegetables. Stir into goulash and other pork or beef casseroles. For seed cake just stir 1 tbs Caraway Seed into a plain sponge cake mixture.
Energy per 100g: 448 KCal
Protein per 100g: 23.3 g
Carbohydrates per 100g: 40.9 g
Fat per 100g: 21.2 g