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Coriander Leaf is the world’s most popular herb. Whilst it is not often found in European cooking, it is used extensively in Asian, Oriental, Middle Eastern and Latin American dishes.

Coriander Leaves should have a good green colour. The flavour and aroma of the dried leaves become more apparent once added to the cooked dish.
Stir into chopped tomatoes with a little lemon juice and garlic for a refreshing salsa. Great in Mexican dishes such as chilli con carne. For an Indian raita, stir chopped or grated cucumber, Coriander Leaf, salt and pepper into natural yoghurt. For a Thai style dressing mix warm creamed coconut with lemon juice and stir in Coriander Leaf, Crushed Chillies and chopped spring onions. Stir Coriander Leaf, Parsley, fresh green chillies, Garlic and onion into cooked rice to make Mexican arroz verde. Add Coriander Leaf to breads, stuffings and sauces and sprinkle over spicy or creamy dishes at the end of cooking.
Energy per 100g: 279 KCal
Protein per 100g: 21.8 g
Carbohydrates per 100g: 41.7 g
Fat per 100g: 4.8 g