Did You Know?
The name Tarragon is probably a corruption of the French word ‘estragon’ meaning ‘little dragon’ as the roots curl around like a dragon's tail. Tarragon was used to cure the bites of dogs and poisonous snakes. Tarragon is one of the classic French herbs and is a favourite flavouring for white wine vinegar. Tarragon is a stimulant to the appetite.

The quality of Tarragon is determined by its good green colour, a strong anise flavour and volatile oil content. Methyl chavicol is the principal flavour - giving volatile oil.
Make a quick sauce for chicken by stirring into crème fraîche and white wine or adding to savoury white sauce. Delicious with fish and vegetables. Stir into creamy chicken or turkey soup. Sprinkle over glazed carrots for a distinctive flavour. Sprinkle into omelettes or salads.
Energy per 100g: 295 KCal
Protein per 100g: 22.8 g
Carbohydrates per 100g: 42.8 g
Fat per 100g: 7.2 g