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Did You Know?
Cardamom is known as the Queen of spices (pepper is the King). Cardamom is said to have a cooling effect on the body. Chewing Cardamom seeds disguises the smell of alcohol on the breath. Cardamom is renowned as a powerful aphrodisiac.

India and Guatemala produce excellent
Cardamom. The pale green pods should be plump, unblemished and filled with dark, often sticky black or brown seed. Cineole is the principal flavour-giving volatile oil.
Lightly crush the pods for use in Indian cooking and in savoury fragrant rice. To use in cakes, shortbread and fruit salads, split the pod, remove and crush the seeds. Add flavour to a fresh fruit salad by simmering lightly crushed Cardamom pods in the syrup before straining and adding to the mixed fruits.
Energy per 100g: 338 KCal
Protein per 100g: 9.2 g
Carbohydrates per 100g: 70 g
Fat per 100g: 2.4 g