Did You Know?
Pepper is known as the ‘King of spices’, being the most widely used spice in the West. The trade in Pepper and other spices was the major cause of medieval wars and the main reason for world exploration. In the Middle Ages, Peppercorns were even used as currency. Black Peppercorns are the green unripe berries which become black and shrivelled when dried in the sun. To produce White Pepper the outer skin of the ripening berry is removed and the hard core is then dried in the sun. Green Peppercorns are the green berries picked and dried artifically to retain their colour. (Pink Peppercorns are the berries of a tropical bush). Good
Black Peppercorns will keep for many years. Their warm pungent flavour is released on grinding and is enhanced by heat. However, once ground the volatile oils soon evaporate so add freshly ground Pepper at the table or towards the end of cooking. Green Peppercorns are the world's newest spice, only introduced in 1971. They are milder than black or white. Pepper stimulates the digestive juices, increases the appetite and aids digestion.

Black Peppercorns should be large, even in size and a deep rich brown colour. They should be hard and free from stalks and dust.
To give a spicy flavour and heat, sprinkle Ground Black Pepper into all savoury dishes at the end of cooking or at the table. Use in sauces or egg and cheese dishes. Bring out the flavour of strawberries with a sprinkling of Ground Black Pepper and a splash of Balsamic vinegar. Lightly fry a selection of mushrooms in olive oil and butter, pile onto toasted olive ciabatta bread and season well with Ground Black Pepper.
Energy per 100g: 529 KCal
Protein per 100g: 13 g
Carbohydrates per 100g: 68.7 g
Fat per 100g: 22.5 g