It’s easy to love summer produce, especially if you’re preparing it with quality Schwartz® herbs and spices.
Wondering what flavours to pair with the bounty the season has to offer? 
We can help!


Strawberries + A Twist of Citrusy Black Pepper


With its bold heat and sharp aroma, black pepper works well in most savoury dishes. Think outside the box this summer and enjoy Schwartz pepper (choose coarse, medium or fine grind) over strawberries to intensify the natural sweetness of the fruit.

Jersey Royal New Potatoes + A Sprinkle of Aromatic Dill


Slightly sweet and highly aromatic, Schwartz Dill is popular in recipes for seafood and fish. Picked and dried within 24 hours to help preserve its natural flavour & colour, dill a perfect pairing for potatoes prepared any way you like. 

Beetroot + A Dash of Sweet Fennel Seeds


Complete dishes like salmon, pork, and even coleslaw with the subtle, sweet, anise-like flavour of Schwartz Fennel Seeds. Slightly earthy, they’re well-matched for seasonal vegetables year-round, too.

Courgettes + A Sprinkle of Green Parsley


Picked and dried within 24 hours to help preserve its natural flavour and colour, this clean, earthy herb is an all-rounder in the kitchen. Use it this summer to bring gorgeous color and vibrance to the abundance of summer courgetti.

Watermelon + A Pinch of Fragrant Mint


Cool down with the distinctive, lingering flavor of Schwartz mint. Sprinkled over a watermelon salad, it’ll make every bite of pear, kiwi, or mango taste like summer, too.




Spice up your summer with quality ingredients from Schwartz.